AnthonyJunior Case 4 Jan 2023
Release Date
January 4, 2023
Anthony came to Kinako, selling seven maps for 1,200 Robux, and couldn't prove ownership when the other said his chat logs got deleted. Kinako mentioned that Discord doesn't delete chats. Also, he will need to show proof of ownership and permission to resell them. Anthony has responded that he blocked the original owners because of conflicts and has given him a list of some reseller's IDs.
An executive at Kinako looked deeper into it and discovered that the maps came from Droplet Studios, which, according to connections, could be involved in some wrongdoing and scams. People were worried about Anthony being affiliated with exploiters, and thus Kinako asked for more proof that the maps did not belong to anyone else.
Anthony contended that he purchased the maps legally, but to Kinako, the possibility of leakage of maps was high. He explained that without concrete proof of legitimate resale permits, the maps couldn't be accepted and told Anthony of the dangers of dealing with scammers.
Eventually, the matter was called in for further investigation by the WASP agent, who found that Anthony's associate, Raptor, had earlier been doxxed by the creators of the map, giving Anthony false resale permissions. During the investigation, it then emerged that Tactic was not the owner of the maps, that he had been bribed and misinformed by the map creators. The matter remains unresolved, as Kinako and the WASP agent continue checks of ownership and permission.